~About Me~

~Everything is going to be alright. Or, if not, everything is going to be, so let’s not worry.

how to stop time, Matt haig


I hope that you’re having a good day. If you’re not having a good day, I hope you know that one day it will get better and joy will find its way into every corner of your life. Now, if we are going to be friends or at the very least book aquaintences, you should probably know a little bit about me. I am currently a junior in college (not named because this is the internet after all) with many hobbies and passions spanning almost anything you could think of. Some of my current obsessions include crocheting, ultimate frisbee, archery, drawing, painting, weight lifting, learning the guitar, journaling, and photography. While my passion and enjoyment of these hobbies ebb and flow, one consistant love in my life is that of reading and writing. I am pursuing a degree in Conservation Biology because I am passionate about the betterment of the environment, but I decided to do a minor in English Literature because I love reading and english courses are some of my favorite classes. So these reviews will not be professional grade because well, I’m not a professional. My reviews may lack depth or sometimes go too in depth, maybe the review doesn’t make sense, or maybe you disagree with my thoughts. But, this is something for me more than it is for you. While I hope you enjoy your time reading through this site and feel the kindness and compassion that I try to emulate, at the end of the day it’s just a book review it’s not that serious. Have a great day, and remember to be kind to everyone, but always stand up for yourself.

Also, if you’ve found this, hello Katie and Chloe. I love you dearly, thank you for the continual support as roommates.